Monday, November 23, 2015

The Curse Worked (Too Well)

Yay! Macbeth is dead and now he can spend all of his eternity with me instead of that kingdom.
Unfornuately... his wife is dead too. I've never been more annoyed in my life. I know I'm supposed to be evil and all but Lady Macbeth takes things way too far.

The other day I was hanging out with Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and the devil. Lady Macbeth told the devil one of her plans and he was like "Too far man, too far." The devil tried to send Lady Macbeth elsewhere but no matter what happens she always came back.
But, eventually the devil to get her out of his hair sent her back as a girl named Regan. (I can only imagine how that will turn out).

I Gave the Curse Pie to Macbeth

I think he was a little freaked out that I could cook.
Also I think he was a little freaked out that apparitions came from the cauldron. I mean I knew that my sisters knew they messed up when they told Macbeth about him becoming king and forcing him to become king for me and especially when Hecate found out about it.

But, I think this is the right thing to do. I mean even if I wanted to be with Macbeth, I'm too scared of his wife. Shes taunting even not being witch and I'd rather not be left with that for eternity.
Overall I think the curse pie I baked made everything right. I'll report back later.

My Cursing Pie Recipe

2 poison'd entrails
1 toad (under a cold stone is best)
3 cups of swelter'd venom
4 Fillets of fenny snake
2 eyes of newt
1 toe of a frog
1 Wool of bat
3 tongues of dogs
1 Adder's fork
3 worms' string (better blind)
1 lizard's leg
1 owlet's wing
3 scales of dragons
2 teeth of wolves
1 witches' mummy
2 sharks (better salt-sea)
1 Root of of hemlock
1 Liver of blaspheming Jew (Lung is a fair substitution)
1 Gall of goat
1 Nose of Turk (nothing else)
1 Tartar's lips
1 Finger of a birth-strangled babe
4 cups of baboon's blood

1. Make a fire under a cauldron
2. Bring it to a boil
3. Cool it
4. Bring it to another boil (double-boil, if it's not any trouble)
5. Once bubbling, just toss all the ingredients besides the baboon's blood
6. Serve and cool with baboon's blood

Delicious Curse Pie

Y u mad?

Hecate is PO'ed that we told Macbeth his future. But, seriously I'd tell Macbeth anything.
Hecate can just get over it, I'm doomed to eternal pain and suffering anyways.
I guess I'll try to appease Hecate by some ritual. But, seriously though I witch (get it) I stayed with making that sailor suffer.

Macbeth and Banquo, and that hot bod.

Today, my sisters and I saw Macbeth and Banquo. They ended up running into us and we kindof freaked out.
I was like:
"All hail, Macbeth! hail to thee, thane of Glamis!"
Then, my darling sisters (which I hate) ended up ruining the entire future by telling Macbeth about his future being the thane of Cawdor and the king (luckily we didn't tell him for how long).
I think I'll enjoy seeing Macbeth, more than other normal people, suffer and be condemned to hell. But, I think Hecate will be mad that we let Macbeth know his fate before he was supposed to. But, she'll get over it.

My sisters and me checking out Macbeth and Banquo.

This Witch of a Wife (of a sailor) Won't Give Me Some Chestnuts :(

Today, I met this wife of a sailor but she wasn't that interesting.
I mean she had some chestnuts in her lap, she requested me to leave
But, I told this woman to give me some because I was wanting.
Don't worry though, I got this Sailor's wife as a thief

I stole the Sailor's wife husband and now I did, I did, I did
I mean it could be I could've done worse to the sailor
Things that I shall that not mention here but may result in a kid.
(I won't mention it because Hecate might fail me and her, and her, and her.)

Unfortunately, I already did and now he has a curse.
The curse of the sailor might be a little weird.
I mean for the Sailor, the curse of the no sleep, could be worse.
At, least he doesn't have to stay one of my other sisters that both have a beard.

I think I'm done with this sailor now for sev'nnights nine times nine
Shall he dwindle, peak and pine.